Another process of Making 3 ply yarn:-
The process is known as "HollowTwisting" The machine use to produced this yarn is as similar to as a normal twisting machine. Some modifications is done in it. All spare parts which is used in poleyster twisting machine is same , only in place of normal spindle, a hollow spindle is used to passe the yarn through it.
Description of a Hollow Twisting Machine:-
This machine is a belt drive spindle with the help of motor. At one end a cam box is fitted along with cam and accessories to give traverse to yarn on yarn package . A motor is fitted at the the same end with a pulley fixed in its shaft to drive the spindle belt. At the othe end a gear box is fitted to give required twist to the yarn with the help of spindle. The spindle (hollow)  fitted in the frame of machine which is driven by the motor and belt.
Path of yarn to the machine for production:-
First of all the yarn is decided to be produced with buyer or market as per the requirement. The three ply of different yarn and quality can be produced on this machine in one twisting process. The raw material of all three material is taken to bind with each other. A fine yarn which is  used for binding (cover) and the other two yarn is taken. The fine yarn for covering is wounded on a bobbin with the help of rewinding machine.  The other two yarn kept on the floor (ground) below the machine inline the  spindle. The wounded bobbin (yarn) placed on the hollow spindle. The starting end of both yarn which kept on ground is passed through the hollow spindle and bobbin yarn also taken with these two yarn and passed  through a  loop guide , again passed over a guide wire of the machine fitted to full length of the machine and then yarn passed through a traverse guide and wound on  to the paper tube for final ready package on drum. This drum is driven (rotated) from the motor and belt fitted in one end of the machine. The spindle is rotated with a long belt with motor pulley of motor. 
Working of Hollow Twisting Machine:-
As the arrangement of yarn path is completed, the machine put to start (on) , with electrical supply. As it is started the spindle gets rotation with the help of belt,  and yarn is twisted with spindle rotation. Simultaneously the yarn gets wounded on the paper tube on the winding drums , which is given rotation from the belt driven drum shaft. The traverse motion to travese guide with help of cam fitted in cam of the machine. This traverse motion spreads  the yarn to and fro  a certain length limit on paper tube to avoide the bunchlng and fluffing of final yarn. As the required weight or length of yarn completed. The package is taken out of machine and a new paper tube is placed on the machine to continue futher production. The package which taken out is ready for packing and for sale to market. The ready yarn can be packed in gunny bag ,plastic bags and if required in box.
image of a twisting machine ref :- alibaba.com

Advantages of this yarn:-
1. The yarn prudced this machinen is cheaper as compared to doubling machine three ply yarn as one step  of doubling is eleminated.
2. The yarn has low twist, it gives a soft and lustrous feeling to yarn.  
3. The yarn can be used in shirting, ladies dress material and any kind of soft cloths.
4. Its production is more as compared to doubler produced 3ply yarn.
Disadvantages of this yarn
1. This yarn is produced for some delicate (special) fabrics and are rarely produced as per required of fabric manufacturers.
2. Is produced only when any manufacturer of fabric required.
3. It is produced just before some days of fabric production which caused delay in ready fabric supply.
4. Loop can be formed due to uneven tension of any one or both or all three yarn.
Advantages of double and  3 Ply yarn.
1. The yarn produced has good strength for manufacturing a strong fabric.
2. The luster of the yarn is brighter in fabric. 
3. The high twist give strength to fabric.
4. The yarn is easily available in market.
5. It increases the production of fabric due to less warp breakage.
Disadvantages of doubled and 3 ply yarn:-
1. The yarn is little costlier as compare to hollow twisted yarn. 
2. Sometimes it gives rough feeling in fabric.
3. High twist may cause thick and thin place in fabric.



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