Preparation of double & 3 ply yarn.
For good quality , strong and lustrous fabric the yarn produced to be strong and soft in feeling. But the yarn received from spinning and texturising (will come later) is a single or of low strength. But for production of thick and soft strong fabrics like, suiting, furnishings, towels,and napkins etc. The yarn to be used is doubled, 3 ply and Fancy. The double and 3 ply yarn can be produced by combining different quality, colors, and counts of the yarn. The process used to produce these yarn is known as doubling. The doubling process is completed in three major step.
In this first parallel (double yarn) wounded on wooden or plastic cheese.
The machine consist of creel (stand) for feed package, guides (fitted with yarn break motion, which stop machine when any threads breaks or loosened) loop guide and motor driven drum. Over the drum wooden or plastic chesse is placed in cradle which is fitted in the frame of winding machine. This drum is diven from the motor shaft to wind the double yarn on cheese.
Working of winding machine:-
As required to produce a double (2 ply) yarn. The yarn package of first yarn is loaded on the Ist creel (stand ) and second package of yarn on the other stand (creel).
The starting end of yarn passed through individual guide which is fitted with stop motion , through loop guide to the cheese , which is placed over the winding drum. This cheese is placed in cradles and the cradle is fitted in frame of the machine. After completion of all these , the winding machine put to "on" (start) position, then the drum gets rotating motion and the yarn star to winding on cheese due to rotation of drum. The rotation of drum is given through an electric motor with belt drive motion. After a certain length or weight the cheese is taken out and a empty cheese loaded on the cradle and a fresh winding is continued. The ready cheese given to next process called doubling and twisting.
Fig. of assembly widing or parallel winding machine ref. by Confident Engineering.
The machine consists of spindle, which is drived with cloth belt or chain, with the help of motor driven shaft , small steel roller, and big shaft roller mounted on the machine drives with the help of a chain or belt from one side end of the machine, and creel (stand) .
The ready cheese from parallel winding is loaded on the creel of doubling machine. The starting end of the parallel yarn is passed between small steel roller and big shaft roller, through guide , and then again passes through a loop guide spindle where the plastic spool called bobbin is placed on it. This spindle is driven by cloth belt or different roller and motor . After completion of all above process the doubling machine put to start (on) . The spindle gets rotation to give a movement and permanent twist to the doubled yarn. This twist is given to the yarn as per required to market. After completion of a certain length or weight or the length of spool widing limit, the machine gets stopped automatically. The ready bobbin is taken out and given for next process known as winding.
It is process where the doubled yarn from doubling machine is wounded to a bigger package about 1 to 1.5 kgs. Because the yarn received from doubling machine is less weight say about 100 to 150 gms.
Construction and working of cone winding machine:-
The machine consist of vertical stand for bobbin (spool) , horizontal motor drive drum , over which the final package of to make ready cone with the help of cone spindle or guide rod .
The actual process of this machine is as follows . The ready bobbin (spool) of doubled yarn is loaded on the vertical stand. The starting end of this yarn is passed over a guide rod to winding drum where already a paper cone (tube) mounted on the spindle. This spindle is driven with the help of winding drum. After doing all these, the machine put to on (start) condition, as the machine started the yarn gets wounded on the paper tube.
As a certain length or weight of yarn wound , the yarn taken out and given for checking and packing. Then this checked yarn is packed in plastic bag or jute bag. The yarn is ready for sale in the market or futher process to make three ply yarn.
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