Preparation of Three (3) ply yarn

The method of three ply yarn preparation is same as preparation of double yarn , but only thing is that the twist in yarn  given reverse direction to the double yarn and single yarn which is to made three ply. Regarding the twist direction, the explanation will come later.
Actual process of making three ply yarn is that the double yarn is loaded on one creel stand of parallel winding and the second yarn of another quality & count is loaded  on  the other creel stand . Then the starting end of both yarn passed through the guide provided in the creel fitted to the winding machine with yarn break motion, the function of this guide is to stop the machine automatically as  the yarn breaks or loosened. Then the same yarn passed another loop guide and wounded on to a wooden or plastic cheese which is placed over the winding drum in cradle fixed in the body frame of winding machine. Now the machine started to working with starting button of machine, the winding drum gets rotated . With this rotation of drum the yarn gets wounded on the cheese . After completion of length or weight of yarn, the ready cheese is taken out and a fresh empty cheese is placed in the cradle for new winding and the process continues to feed the next process of doubling. The ready yarn is only parallel yarn, it is  to be given twist to bind the yarn . The process is given on a machine called DOUBLER OR DOUBLING & TWISTING MACHINE.
The three ply yarn which is received from parallel winding doesnot have any twist. It is twisted on doubling machine as explained in double yarn production, but only thing is that the twist is given to this yarn is reverse direction to the double yarn on bobbin (spool) . After twisting to a limited length or weight, the ready bobbin is taken out from the doubling machine and given to winding machine.
In the winding section the yarn is converted into big package for sale in the market. 
After the ready package yarn, it is noticed that , the twist given is  high twist. This high twist causes roughness, loop and harsh feeling. This roughness and harsh feeling is known as," snarling'' . To over come on this i.e to remove the snarling of yarn , a process is given humidification heat setting that is coming below. The three plied is given heat setting in a high pressure and closed heated vessel just like a normal pressure cooker. 
Heat setting vessal description:-
It is a vertical hollow vessel just like a pressure cooker but large and wide in diameter and height. It is made with cast iron or of steel at modern height and more in diameter to consume more package of yarn . The vessal is fitted with three or four heater above upto one feet to  the bottom of vessal and a round mesh (net) of steel is placed about six inches away from the heater on a small reactangular piece of steel is fitted in body of the vessal. The mesh is placed in the vessal is one to two inches lesser in the diameter to the vessel diameter. This mesh is placed in two to three place at equal distance to cope with size of yarn package which is to be heated. A valve is fixed at the upper outer side of vessal  to remove steam after completion of heating process. Two pressure gauge is fixed over on the lid (cover) to check the pressure of vessal. A whistle also fitted on the lid to avoide excessive pressure.
Fig. of heat setting vessal Holloway Amrica
Process of Heat setting:-
The double or 3 ply yarn which is high twisted and have snarling (roughness) in it,is given heat setting as follows.
The heat setting vessal is filled with water to level just one inch above the heater. Then the vessal is closed and heated for 10 to 20 minute to generate some steam in the vessel. The vessal is then opened and yarn package is placed over mesh or steel nett in the vessal. As the vessal filled to full capacity of it with yarn package, it is then closed tightly. The hearter is started (on) after setting timer for heating, which is provided in electrical pannel ( supply). As soon as we start the on switch to start, the water in vessal gets heating through heater of vessal. This heating of water generate steam in vessal. After a limited time and pressure, the whistle blows(like an ordinary pressure cooker) and heating of heater gets stopped automatically due to timer fitted in electrical supply pannel. Then manually the valve in vessal is openef and steam present in  drain out to some extent from the vessal. Then the lid (cover) of the vessal  is opened and the temperature of vessal brought down to room temperature. The package of heated yarn taken and checked that it's snarling has gone or not. If the snarling has gone then,  all the yarn package taken out and after cooling all yarn package is packed in gunny or plastic for sale to market.  
Fact to be noted that:-
A) Due to long heating in the vessal , the paper tube of yarn package may be damaged (collapse) and yarn get loose. To overcome this defect the loose package is given for winding and then after fresh winding the yarn is packed in bags. 
B) It is very important factor to note  that the vessal to be opened when  all steam from the vessal through valve is drain out.  If is not done so if opened vessal without removing steam after stopping heat setting, heavy blast may occurs causing damage to operator or heating house . So it advised to take care after removing all the steam only the vessel is opened.
 C) The small electrified humidified chamber is available in the market for low 
quantity of yarn. 


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