Tossa jute (Corchorus Olitorious):-
It is variety of though to be native to South Asia. It is grown for both fiber and culinary purposes. People use the leaves as an ingredients in a mucillaginous potherb called "molokhiya" , which is popular in some Arabic countries such as , Egypt, Jordan, and Syria as soup-based, dish , sometimes with meat over rice of lentill. The King James translation of the Book of Job in the Hebrew Bible mistranslates the word maluha which means "salty as mallow, which in turn has led some to identity this jute species as that what was meant by the translator and led it to be called "Jews" mallow in English. It is high in protein vitamin C , beta-carotene, calcium and iron.
Bangladesh and other countries in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific mainly used jute for its fibers. Tossa jute fiber is softer , silkier and stronger than white jute . This variety shows good sustainability in Ganges Delta climate . Along with white jute, tossa jute, has also been cultivated in the soil of Bengal where it is known as paat from the start of the 19th century. Coremontal, Bangladesh , is the largest global producer of tossa jute variety. And in India West Bengal is the largest producer of jute .
Jute mellow or nalta jute (corchorus olitorious) is also known as "Jew's mallow"bushokra"kirkin"etiyung"mulukhiya" ademe(ademe Togo) and " west African siorrel" among many other local name often invoking the most important traits is a species of shrubs in the family of Malvaceae. Together with corchorus capsularies it is the primary source of jute fiber. The leaves and youg fruits are used as a vegetable , the dried leaves are used for tea and a soup thickener , and the seeds are edible.
Corchorus Olitorious is an annual crop . The lowland tropics , ranging from warm temperature zone through tropical desert to wet life zones . It can be tolerate an annual percipitation between 400 to 4290 mm (optimum 1000 mm per year ). Some cultivet's are sensitive to water loging especially when they are young.
Temperature between 16.8° to 27.5 ° are optimal for the plant growth . For the solid a PH of 4.5 to 8.2 is needed. The plant prefers a fertile human-rich well drained alluvial soil but also grows well in subitimal soil conditions.
Before sowing , the soils prepared carefully by plowing and seed are broadcast or dribbled behind the plow in the wet season . Twenty four hour before seeding , the seeds must be pre-soaked for ten seconds in hot water ( around 93°) to overcome dormacy. If the small seeds are mixed with sand, it makes it easily to show them. And if the soil is wet , germination takes place two to three days after sowing , in some systems , seeding are transplanted sr a height of 10 cms.The plants are grown in rows with a spacing of 20-50 cms. When the plant achieves a height of 8.25 cms. the seeding are harrowed with a rake , three to four times and weeded two to three times. Cow dung wood ashes or rotted water hyacinth (Eichhoniacrassipes) or its sdhes are used as manure. The yield of the crop responds mire to water availablity and soil organic matter than to high mineral nutrient status.
Plant protection:-
The most serious pests are nimatodes from the genus meliodogyne, lea eating beetles and caterpillars. It is dry eight to ten weeks after planting, yield losses can accur due to leaf bugs and spider mites attack resulting in terminal shoot wilt. Damage by nematodes and can be minimised by crop rotation. Application of insecticide is also possible, but chosen carefully since the leaves are harvested for consumption. Attacks were also observed by weevils species (Myllocerus) semi looper, (Anomissabuliferra) and yellow mites (polyphagotarsonemuslatus). Disease (bacterial and viruses infections) are not as serious as pests (insect and nematode attacks ) , seeding damp-off occurs but can be reduced by good drainage and cultivation in humus-rich soil with adequate water holding capacity. Attacks by scalerotium rolfsii in dry weather by late season an lead to wilts at the stem collar . Anthracnose spots cause by cllectorichum gloeosporioldes may infect crop but can be easily controlled by spraying copper oxychloride.
Fiber and textile use:-
Jute fiber is made from the bark tissue of corchorus olitorious and corchorus capsularies, especially in South Asian countries, though fiber made from corchorus olitorious is considered to e lesser quality. Finished fiber appears golden and silky with a length upto 3 metres and with a diameter of 2.4 um. The plant stalk is cut and then prcessd by pulling , rippling, partial retting, breaking, spinning and combing to obtain fine fibers that are the well separated from unwanted woody material. Afterwards the fibers are cured and dried.
Many textiles are made of jute, such as yarn twine, sacking , carpets , backing cloth and other blended textiles. It is also used as raw material for cords and string.
In Africa and the Middle East , a different type is grown with the leave and shoots.used for food , while the fiber is considered of little import.
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