As we came to know that there are three motions are there in weaving i.e PRIMARY , SECONDRY,AND AUXILIARY (TERTIARY). Among these three motions. The two is alredy discussed before. Now here I am going to give the third one motion AUXILIARY MOTION.
In order to produce a good quality cloth and to prevent damages in it , it is necessary to provide some motion to the loom. They can be termed as AUXILIARY MOTION. They are aided to get high productivity and good quality cloth but not absolutely essential. These are as follows;
1) Warp stop motion.
2) Weft stop motion.
3) Weft replenishment motion.
4) Warp protector motion.
5) Weft mixing motion.
6) Feeler motion.
7) Brake motion.
8) Temple motion.
All above motions are normally fitted or available in a automatic looms.
To stop the machine (loom) when a warp thread breaks and excessively loosened. As the warp threads breaks or loosened the drop wire false on its rails (patti) which is electrically connected to the machine starting point resulting in the stoppage of machine immediately. Then the weaver repairs the broken end or loose end and restart the machine to working.
The operating system of warp stop is as the following;
1. Each warp threads is passed through the bottom slit of a metallic wire 2.
2. Which the way is supported by the thread under tension. Through the top slit the drop wire passes the contact rail 3 composed of a U shaped outside coating in stainless steel , of a strip of insulating materials and of a flat conductive inside blade in nickle-plated copper provided on the upper part with a toothing.
3. The contact rail 3 is part of low voltage electric circuit, of which the drop wire 2 act as a circuit breaker.
4. As the yarns breaks or get loosen the drop wire comes in action and with help of rails and circuit breaker,the machine get stop. And as the warp get repaired by weaver,He or She restart the loom to working.
Fig. warp stop motion and it's prats.
(2)Weft stop mox.
In case of air jet loom machine for staple yarn weaving, an optoelectronic weft stop motion in twin arrangement can be delivered. While the first the two weft stop motion serves as support for the machine control, the second one records the weft thread broken in the shed or expelled.
When the first one gets the weft which means the weft threads has travelled the predetermined distance, the loom remain running. And in case of the second one gets the weft, which means the weft threads has broken and travelled excess than the predetermined distance, it knocks-off the machin instantly.
When the first one gets the weft which means the weft threads has travelled the predetermined distance, the loom remain running. And in case of the second one gets the weft, which means the weft threads has broken and travelled excess than the predetermined distance, it knocks-off the machin instantly.
(3) Weft replenishment motion:-
It ensures a continuous supply of weft yarn in to the loom whenever supply package exhausted. This motion provides uninterrupted filling insertion by switching from depleted to a full package.
(4) Warp protector motion:-
To protect the warp by stopping the machine when shuttle fails to reach in either shuttle box properly during the picking. When it doesn’t reach at any shuttle box, it (shuttle) will be trapped in between reed and fell of the cloth, this cause a heavy damage to warp. For repairing of this warp takes more time causing the production loss. So to this motion protect the warp threads by stopping the looms instantly. The motion which works for stopping the loom is called as fast reed motion or loose reed motion which will come later.
(5) Weft mixing motion:-
This motion is able to insert various count yarn and colored weft yarn into the same fabric for check and stripes effect without stopping the machine.
(6) Feeler motion:-
This motion is able to indicate when the weft yarn in pirn or package almost used or broken. A sensor feels the the unavailability of weft at both the end of loom and it’s immediately stops the loom.
(7) Brake motion:-
A mechanism to stop the loom when any warp or weft breaks . A brake is a device by means of which artificial frictional resistance is applied to moving body in order to stop the motion of loom.
(8) Temple motion:-
The temple motion are used to hold fast the width of the woven cloth as equal to as possible width of warp. It may be made of wood or metal. Metal temples are use for rugs and also used in power loom.
There are two types of metal temple, one is RING TEMPLES & second is ROLLER TEMPLE .
The description, function and types of temples have discussed in my earlier writing.
The narrow edge of woven fabric that runs parallel to the warp. It is made with stronger yarn in tighter construction than the body yarn of the fabric to prevent it from unraveling.
With the use of all above mechanism , the defect in fabric is minimised and a good quality of fabric is produced. All the mechanism is most probably fitted in power loom (automatic).
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