Types of hand looms:-
In 1856 Hattersley and Hill keighley , Yorkshire act in the same manner as a power loom excepting the movement of the slay which can either be operated manually or by motive power to the top shaft , but the loom is constructed with lighter forming.
Image of Hattersley loom ref wikipedia
1) This is the same manner of the power loom.
2) This loom is lighter than power loom.
3) Shedding , picking, beating-up, take-up and Let-off motion are operated on this loom.
4) For taking up five wheel take-up motion is used.
5) Shedding is formed by bottom shaft in case of plain weave.
a) Maximum motions are motive by power.
b) This loom is lighter than power loom.
c) It also ensures uniform beat-up.
d) It ensures uniform insertion of picks.
e) An average weaver can conveniently run this loom.
a) For driving manually more than 50" reed space is not control.
b) A weaver can not weave for a long time.
c) Five wheel take-up motion gives jerky motion to loom.
Image of heddle loom ref by a little loom.
Heddle loom is also called Heald loom, this device is used in weaving characterised by heddle-shaft length of wire or flat steel strips, used to deflect the warp to either side of the main sheet of fabric. The heddle is considered to the most the important single advance in the evolution of loom in general.
Table looms are classified as lever looms. They are one of the easiest looms to use. Each shaft is connected to lever, the lever facilitates all the possible variations of lifting the levers. Levers are in the front which makes it easily to reach from them as well as keeps them away from distracting weave.
Table loom have the distinction of being portable . It can be move either indoor or outdoor, for example from home out to the production or training workshop. This due to their being easily foldable even if there is fabric on them .
Usage of table loom.
There are various usage of table loom which can be summarised as follows;
(1) Education and training:-
Being perfect tools for understanding the textile structure , table looms can be used for educational purpose in colleges and in institutes as well as workshop for training on either mannual or mechanical weaving.
(2) Professional production:-
Table looms are so easy that almost anybody can work on them ( children) to have great textile products for themselves or their loved once.
(3) Creating test samples:-
Table looms are very useful for creating fabrics samples before implementing them on hand weaving looms or mechanical looms.
(4) Easy conversion looms:-
If needed the Table loom is easily converted into frame loom. The loom tower can be separated from the base , so that it can work as a frame loom. which we can be used for producing tapestry if needed.
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