The treadle loom (or foot loom) was introduced by the Spanish to Mayan weavers shortly after the Conquest. Following in the Spanish tradition initially only man were trained to use the more expensive and less treadle loom. Thus the treadle loom never completed displaced the inexpensive and highly mobile back strap loom and the two co-exit to this day. The process of weaving on these two types of loom is basically same . The threads are alternately lifted and lowered while the weft is passed between the shed (warp threads). Instead of lifting the warp by a heddle rod or by hand as an a back strap loom, the warp on a treadle loom is lifted mechanically by a series of foot pedals . Thus the process of weaving on a treadle loom is much faster than weaving or back strap loom.
Image of treadle loom ref by a little loom.
The fabric produced is often used to make women’s skirts(loafer).
Introduction ofMultishaft loom:-
A multishaft loom has frames called “Shaft" that contains heddle through which warp yarn is threaded. Treadles on floor loom or levers on a table loom control the shafts. They raise and in some cases lowering the shafts creates “shed" a space between the warp threads through which weft threads is passed to create woven cloth. Multishaft looms differ from rigid heddle looms in that the shafts moves up/down instead of remaining rigid.
Image of multishaft loom. Ref Gist yarn.
(1) Jack loom.
(2) Counterbalance loom and
(3) Countermarch loom.
Image of jack loom.ref. sharaftextiles equipment.
A jack loom has a rising shed , meaning that the shaft lift when the corresponding treadle or lever is depressed . As the shaft can operates independently jack looms wanting to experience with many different patterns because it is relatively easy to change tie up (the instruction detailing which the threads are connected to which shaft to create a pattern shed) by they can require non physical exertion than counterbalance loom.
A counterbalance loom has a pairs of shaft (2 or 4) that works opposite each other as rollers or pulleys . Sometimes a Counterbalance loom is described as a sinking shed loom because two of shaft makes these loom great for balanced weave like 2/2 twill , but challanging for unbalance weaves like 1/3 twills.
Image of counterbalance loom.ref Glimkara USA.
A countermarch loom combines the independent shaft movement by a jack loom, with the symmetrical shed opening of the Counterbalance loom. Each shaft is connected to all of the others so as when some shaft fall. This means that the tie up can be complicated and time consuming.
Both floor loom and table loom contain multi shafts for weaving but , a floor loom is larger and far less portable than a table loom. The shaft on a floor looms are controlled by treadle depressed by the weaver’s feet, leaving hand free for throwing Shuttle and beating up . Table looms are smaller than floor looms, often fold for storage and travel . Table loom can be used on a table top or on a stand . The shaft are raised and lowered by levers on top or side of loom .
Advantages of multi shaft and treadle loom.
1) In these looms various designs can be produced.
2) Normally coarse count fabric are suitable to produce like towels bed sheet , firm aging and upholstry.
3) The final fabric is good lustre in appearance.
Disadvantages of Multi shaft and treadle loom.
(1) Production is low due to more difficult shaft and treadle.
(2) Difficult to operate .
(3) They give more exertion to the weaver.
(4) Mainly only adult and expert weaver can weave on this loom.
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