Mechanical Jacquard device:-
Punched cards in a jacquard loom.
A punch machine for Jacquard card.

Originally the Jacquard machine were mechanical and the fabric design was stored in a series of punched cards which were joined to form continuous chain. The Jacquard often were small and only independently controlled a relatively few warp ends. This required a number of repeats across the loom width. Larger capacity machines or the use of multiple machines, allowed greater control with fewer , repeats and hence lager designs could be woven, across the width.
A factory must choose looms and shedding mechanism to suit it’s commercial requirements. As a rule the more warp control required the greater the expenses. So it is not economical to purchase Jacquard machines, if one can make do with a dobby mechanism. As well as the capital expenses of the Jacquard machines are more costly to maintain as there are complex and require higher skilled personnel and expensive design system is required to prepare the designs for the loom , and possibly a correction machine. Weaving is more costly since Jacquard mechanisms are more likely to produce faults than dobby or cam shedding. Also the looms will not run as quickly and down time to change the continuous chain of cords when a design changes. For these reason it is best to weave a large batches with mechnical Jacquard.
Electronic Jacquard machine:-
It recorded that in 1855 , a Frenchman adopted the Jacquard mechanism to a system by which it could be worked by electromagnetic. There was significant interest , but trials were not succesful, and the development was soon forgatten.

Bonas Textiles Machinary NV launched the first successful electronic Jacquard at ITMA Milan in 1983. Although the machines were initially small , modern technology has allowed Jacquard machine capacity to increase significantly and single end warp control extent to more than 10,000 warp ends. That avoide the need for repeats and symmetrical designs and allow almost infinite versatility. The computer controlled machine significantly reduce the down time associated with changing punched paper design, thus allowing smaller batche sizes. However electrical Jacquard are costly and may not be require a factory weaving large batch size and smaller designs. The larger machine allowing single end warp control are very expensive, and can only be justified where great versatility is required or very specialized designs requirements need to be met. For example they are an ideal tool to increase the ability and stretch the versatility of the niche linen Jacquard, weavers who remains active in Europe and the West, while the most of the large best commodity weaving has moved to low cost areas.

Linen products associated with Jacquard weaving are linen damask napery, Jacquard apperal fabrics and damask bed linen. Jacquard weaving uses all sorts of fibers and it is used in the production of fabrics for many ends uses. Jacquard weaving can also be used to create fabrics that have Matelasse or brocade pattern. Research is under way to develop layered and shaped items as reinforcing components for structures made from composite materials.
Importance in computing:-
Jacquard head used replaceable punched cards to control a sequence of operation. It is considered an important step in the history of computing hardware. The ability to change the pattern of the loom’s weaves by simply changing cards was important conceptual precausor to the development of computer programming and data entry . Charles Babbage knew of Jacquard machines and planned to use cards to store program in his Analytical Engine. In late 19th century Herman Hollerith took the idea of using punched cards to store information a step further, when he created a puch card tabulating machine which used to input data for the 1890s V. S. Census. A large data processing industry using punch card technology was developed in the first half of twentieth century-dominated initially by International Businesses Machine Corporation (I.B.M.) with its line of unit record equipment. The cards were used for data, however with programming done by plug board.
Some early computer, such as the 1944 IBM Auto Sequence Controlled Calculator (Harvard Mark I) received programme instruction from paper tape punch with holes, similar to Jacquard string of cards . Later computer executed programs from higher speed memory , though card were commonly used to load programs into memory . Punched cards removed in is in computing up until the mid-1980. 


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