Side Weft fork motion In Ruti C looms:-

Side Weft fork motion In Ruti C looms:-
This electro-mechanical side weft fork motion is adjusted when the crank is 30° before the front centre. The loom must always stop when the shuttle is in the left-hand shuttle box. This motion is illustrated in figs. 290 and 291 .

Fig. 290 side weft fork motion in Ruti C looms.
At crank 250°, the clearance between the hook and the weft fork is one millimetre. When the highest face of the weft fork cam is acting, the weft fork is engaged. (Fig. 290).
The length of traction cable D is adjusted, so that 3 to 5 mm clearance is left between the knock-off lever A and the micro-switch of the contact breaker B (fig .291 )
Fig. 291. Image of side fork motion in Ruti C looms.
The knock-off cam F and the weft fork E are adjusted so as to stop the loom, when the crank is between the top and the front center at 30° before the crank reaches the front center .
The stroke of the side weft fork E is to be set placing the crank at the front center (fig.290) . The clamp on the single pick lever must be fixed so that this lever stands horizontally.
The micro-switch on the cover plate is fixed so that the electric circuit is broken when the single-pick lever is operated (fig.291).
The loom stops with the shuttle in the left-hand shuttle box. In place of the side weft fork a cam controlled centre weft fork may be fitted . A cloth let-back motion can also be adjusted at the lower set collar to suit the type of fabrics. The center fork monitors the weft and stops the loom for a broken pick and produces fault free fabrics.
Electrical weft feeler motion in Ruti C looms:-
An electric weft feeler motion for a bobbin change , as used with the Ruti C weaving machine, is illustrated in fig. 292 .
The two feeler needles feel the weft on alternate picks and are placed on the loom handle side. The distance of the inner needle is 55 mm, from the groove on the box cover for ring bobbin. At C is the shuttle shown with an empty Bobbin. When the crank position is on the front center the tips of the feeler prongs should be force back 2 to 3 mm. by the contact layer on the pirn . When the weft on the pirn is nearly exhausted, the magnet functions to bring a cop changing.
Fig 292. Electrical Weft Feeler motion and pirn in shuttle.
On looms where the change is initiated by a side weft fork at a weft break , a cop change is effected with the crank at 35° passed the front center.
Bobbin changing in Ruti C looms:-
Before the pick takes place from the left-hand shuttle box, the position of crank is to placed 15° earlier than the front center. In this position cam for bobbin change is adjusted. In fig.293 , the lateral clearance between the initiating catch E and the latch B is one mm. The torsion spring on 293.
 the initiating catch is to be so tensioned that the latch lies against the latch stop D, as shown in fig. 294. The actual capacity inthe magazine is for 23 bobbins. As also shown in the figure, the armature of the solenoid A against latch B is adjusted leaving 0.2 mm, clearance between them.
On loom where a side weft fork initiated a change at weft break , a cop or bobbin change occurs with the crank passed 35° of the front center. When the bobbin changer is out of action, there is clearance of 0.5 mm, between the knock-off shaft and the machine side.
With the crank at the front center , the bobbin change is initiated, and the bunter A on the sley touches the battery latch H in front of the point of impact. In this position the roller C should lie exactly in the curve of the bunter guide D, shown in fig. 295.
fig. No.295 &  296 hammer setiing in ruti C loom.

At fig. 296 , at the front center of the crank the clearance between the hammer E and the ring bobbin F is 4 mm. The hammer limiter G set to allow the hammer to swing out by 0.2 mm. Now the bunter is engaged, the box back is forced out to expel the old bobbin and to insert a new bobbin to the shuttle from the rotary battery. The upper hammer stop screw is shown at H. An efficient suction device sucks away the weft thread after a pirn or bobbin change. Thus there is no 'lashing in' or damage to cloth due to faulty transfer.
Shuttle protector:-
The protector finger touches the shuttle tip when there is a cleaner of 6 mm, between the bunter and latch. The center of the protector finger is directed to the shuttle tip. The picking stick lies against the stop. The protector finger and the shuttle tip are 8mm. apart. The crank reaching the front position and the bunter engaged , the shuttle box back must be forced out 6 mm. for the bobbins of 24 mm. and 9 mm. for bobbins of 27 mm.
Out side scissor:-
When the bunter and the latch are engaged the scissors are slightly inclined outwards. When the scissor are in basic position and closed, the distance between the opener roller and the scissor blades are 3 mm.
The Ruti C type weaving machine may also be provided with the 'Unfil' loom winder and the hydraulic shock absorber. It can also be combined with pneumatic extractor for weft trails.
Hydraulic shock absorber:-
The Ruti C weaving machine may run without any shock or vibration. A hydraulic shock absorber, as shown at figure 297. is used to prevent any vibration while the loom continues to run. For oil check, the throttle screw A is opened and by using the regulating wire value cover plate B is placed down. When the shock absorber is
fig .no. 297
 free of air, the oil level should be 5 mm. lower than thereturn flow hole . For adjusting the damping action , the throttle screw is adjusted at D equally on both sides so as to give desired damping action.
Speed and Production:-
The Ruti C type looms run at about 30 percent higher speeds than the conventional automatic looms, when the same yarns and beams from the same preparation were fed to them. The new loom design also gives a high quality output. Again, the loss in value due to 'seconds' quality fabrics is considerably less.
A 120 cm wide C type loom can produce 31 to 35.8 meters of 67%/37% polyester-cotton shirting 50’s warp and 50’s weft 88 's reed and 92 pick per inch or 2.54 cm, running at 260 picks per minute in eight hours . Similarly , the loom can weave 40 to 40.5 meters of 67%/33% terry-viscose suiting, 2/40’s warp and 2/40’s weft 68" reed and 62 picks per 2.54 cm. running at 220 picks per minute at the same time. These weaving machines have bright promises and their demands are steadily increasing in the mills.
Ref:-Weaving Mechanism Book Vol .II by Prof. N. N. Banerjee.


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