Types of shuttle changing loom :-

Types of shuttle changing loom :-
Toyode Shuttle Changing loom.
The Toyode loom runs at full speed during the replenishment of a shuttle. The Toyode loom , in which the change is affected by the forcing of fresh shuttle in to the shuttle box and the simultaneous ejection of the old shuttle while the loom continues to run , has been used only for the weaving of cotton fabrics of the simplest and coarser sorts, chiefly plain and twills made from yarn of about 16’s to 20’s counts.
The chief advantage of this Japanese loom is that the method of shuttle changing allows the change mechanism to be much simpler in design than other shuttle changing types. The breakages of shuttle and other loom parts is liable to take place through the severity of the action of the change mechanism and for this reason not suitable for weaving with fine and delicate wefts. ‘Starting places' in cloth are less in this type of loom.
This loom is highly suitable for Weavning coarse and medium sorts of dhotis, sarees and similar fabrics largely in demand in the Indian markets as well as in the markets of neighbouring countries. The shuttle changing Toyode Loom may, therefore, have certain scope in our industry.
image of Toyode shuttle changing loom.ref by AllAboutLean.com
Crompton and Knowle’s Shuttle Changing Loom.
Excellent example of automatic loom using the non-stop principle of shuttle changing outlined above ste those made by Crompton and Knowles. In type 'S 3' the shuttle changing mechnism works in conjunction with a 2x1 box motion. In a loom of his type where the normal practice is to have two shuttles operating either for two and two weft mixing, or evenly picked checking with two colors or kinds of weft, it is essential that shuttle replacement should synchronise with the weft mixing motion in order to ensure that an almost exhausted shuttle is always replaced by one carrying the same kind of weft. This is accomplished by the Crompton and Knowles loom by sector arrangement controlled by the shuttle box changing mechnism and acting through a series of cams , lever and wires.
Image of C&K (Crompton and Knowles) loom photo by All state textile machinery.

Ruti C Shuttle changing loom:-
(1) Like Hattersley’s loom , this loom is automatically stopped for the replacement of a shuttle and restarted automatically. The Ruti shuttle changing loom in particular follows the usual principle of shuttle change initiated by a feeler which stops the loom as the pirn becoms exhausted. The new shuttle is then brought from the magazine to the conveyor, the shuttle box front is lifted and the empty shuttle is smoothly ejected into a receptacle position below the magazine. The conveyor then returns to its original position and the shuttle box front is closed. The loom is then restarted automatically, the whole operation being completed in about three seconds.
(2) Although the Ruti looms can be used with ordinary pirns with direct wound paper tubes, shuttles taking a patented flat pirn holding double the length of yarn can be employed with advantage.
(3) Other features Of Ruti loom are patent pedal-operated reversing motion to bring back the open shed, a patented center weft fork motion and a reliable warp stop motion.
(1) The Laxmi Ruti C type modern high speed automatic bobbin changing loom weaves yarns of natural and man-made fibers namely, cotton , wool , continuous filaments synthetic, glass and elastic yarn, as well as blended yarns , in all the standard counts.
(2) This loom can be adopted for weavning a wide range of fabrics, from light to heavy qualities of 600 grams per square meter , because of the flexibility of the interchangeable parts. When ever there is a programme alteration of design or quality of fabric, additional parts and special units facilitate the change over.
(3) The Ruti 'C' type loom construction system also facilitates conventional and additions. The machine offers high productivity, quality output and economy of operation.
(4) This weaving machine has provision for regularity of the warp and fabric passage , for an even weft insertion, and for the yarn tension to suit the type of fabric. It ensures a good quality cloth of faultless cover and evenness , but elastic yarns and good yarn preparation ensure maximum effectiency. This loom is also capable of weaving single and multi width fabrics.
(5) A three-part pilot lamp indicates the cause of loom stoppage, which is easily visible from a distance. The widths of loom may between 100 cm. and 400 cm. in reed.
(a) The basic design of the Ruti 'C' type loom is based on the modular or unit principle with double walled rigid box type construction of side frame, eliminating the conventional crank shaft and the picking shaft. All the main functional components run on anti-friction bearings. These facilitate smooth running of the looms at high speeds and reduce frequently of lubricantion.
(b) The low built Lakshmi-Ruti 'C' type loom has sturdy box type frame. The well dimensioned functional groups allow full utilisation of the setting and operating range. The sley crank, picking motion, take-up and loom starting motion are all housed in the frame. The main parts run in anti-friction bearing on both sides.
The loom has a rigid sley and cam motions, it is provided with a single pick stop motion. The take-up and let-off motion are easily adopted to different picks densities.
(c) The machined faced at the frames also allow easy mounting of required assemblies without extra fitting work. This loom is easy to handle and its scales allow the reproduction of fabric setting.
(d) This loom is provided with a side or a center weft fork motion , and a sides or a center selvedge motion.
These 'C ' type automatic high speed bobbin changing looms were introduced by Messrs. Ruti Machine Works Ltd., at Hosur (Tamil Nadu). has been manufacturing these looms in India since since 1978 , in collaboration with the Ruti concern. These looms are now supplied to the Indian textile industry as ‘Lakshmi Ruti' weaving machine type, C, in 120 cm, 150 cm. and 180 cm. working widths in reed.
(i) The V-belt drive transmits power quietly from motor to fly wheel of the loom. The cone friction clutch and brake act at once. All motion are driven from the main shaft of the loom. This main shaft spans the whole width of loom between the picking wheel and the crank-shaft wheel. The loom drive is completely designed. The supporting point of the loom are in close proximity, and the numerous anti-friction bearings gives the loom a smooth running at high speed, minimum wear and long life. A 350 cm. wide loom requires as 2 h.p. motor.
(ii) In the Ruti C type loom, the crank moves anticlockwise, and is timed with sley at front position. Thus, the crank positions correspond with:-
0° — — sley at front center,
90° ---bottom crank position.
180 -- sley at back centre, and
270° --top crank position.
(iii) The driving arrangement for positive can shedding motion is shown in fig. 279.

Fig.279 for loom driving and gear setting for Ruti C looms.
At A is the driving gear and at B is seen the driven gear . The number of teeth of spur gear vary according to the number of Shedding cam used . The pitch and the numbers of teeth in the driver wheel A and the driven wheel B are shown in table below:-

Table for different pitch and spur gear A &B for Ruti C looms.
Positive Cam Shedding for four Healds:-
(1) A positive cam shedding motion is generally fitted to Ruti C type loom. The frame size and the maximum number of healds and cams , that may be used, depend upon the length of crank arm , the radius of cranks and the shuttle width. The number of healds used varies between 2 and 15. Fig. 280 shows the cam arrangement for 4 harness frame of healds.
Fig .280 for positive cam shedding for four healds in Ruti C looms.
(2) Normally, the cams are used for the treading motion. The cam C are placed from the weaver’s position towards the warp . At B is seen the cam diven wheel. The stagger , show at D, is 15 mm. The four cam are set together in one set for a four shaft weave . The cam are held in position by a bolt and cam supporting sleeves.
(3) The flexibility of the the C type machine also extends to the shed geometri and the shedding cycle, such as :-
(a) The wide range of adjustment of the shed length and the timing of the shed closure, including staggering, independent of drawing width;
(b) Different angles of incline of the center shed;
(c) Symmetrical, asymmetrical and combined type of shed formation by varying the dwell and timing of shed crossing; and
(d) Adequate space to take a large number of harness frame.

Ref:-Weaving Mechanism Book Vol.
II by Prof. N. N. Banerjee.


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