Scope of Sulzer Shuttleless loom:-

Scope of Sulzer Shuttleless loom:-
(1) The Sulzer loom weaves cotton, wool and spun rayon , or staple blends with other fibers without difficulty.
Filament yarns are not woven under production conditions, and filament weft presents many problems, particularly the ticking problem. Wool and single worsted yarns are normally woven on 220 cm. loom with a longer shuttle traverse time and reduced speed of shuttle projection. The fabric which can satisfactorily be woven have yarn count range from 6" to 90" cotton count . Previously 50,s cotton was the maximum weft count. The tucked-in selvedge is quite suitable for the majority of fabrics. The simpler types of fabrics upto eighteen shaft and a practically unlimited weft repeat can be woven.
(2) The width range of the loom is very attractive. In the 330 cm. loom , any width of cloth from 58 cm. can be woven, with 5% weft-way contraction. Upto five cloths of equal or of unequal width can be woven side by side, and in this way maximum possible weft insertion capacity can be maintained regardless of cloth width. A combination of 330 ,cm. ,280 cm. and ,215 cm. loom will cover every width from 60 cm. to 315 cm. with no loss of reed space , hence no loss of weft insertion potential.
(3) But when the economies of this shuttleless loom is considered, the down-time heavily reduced the profit. Again without commercial stability to guarantee several months ,three shift production for each Sulzer shuttleless loom, the cost prarity comparable to automatic looms is fairly high . It is useless to contemplate economic manufacture on two shift production or on short period. This loom can make its profit on the third shift. For these reason , shuttleless weaving machine and automatic looms should be regarded as complimentary and not competitive.
(4) The Sulzer shuttleless weavning machine is not capable of weaving fabrics with cover factor . The mechanism of the 'sley' and gripper projection are incompatible with the weaving of heavy cloths. The let-off on heavy fabrics is difficult proposition. In 85 in. or 215 cm. and 130 in. or 330 cm. looms , warp count and reed are critical than weft count and pick , and some alteration of cloth set will enable the necessary weight of the cloth to be woven.
(5) The weaving of pick-and-pick cloths upto four colors and two hundred picks repeat as well as the normal weft arrangements , that is multiple of two , upto four hundred pick repeats, or longer repeats can be made by increasing the number of multiple picks of each color. The lashing-in, which is common with box loom weaving cannot occur on this multicolor shuttleless loom. Moreover , the extra processing to cut off floating weft at the box side is unnecessary.
(6) The labour force employed for running 288 Sulzer shuttleless weaving machine of 130 inches or 330 cm. reed space are six technicians, twelve weavers, two weft carriers, one cloth carrier , one warp gaiter and one warp tyer . Thus one weaver can attend 24 sulzer looms 330 cm. wide . The rate of weft insertion in the 130 ES 10 E or 330 cm. loom is 720 yards or 658 meters per minute under favourable conditions.

Ref:- Weaving Mechanism Book Vol.II by Prof. N. N. Banerjee.


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