Carbonised Prints on Polyester Cotton Blended Fabrics:-

Producing Carbonized Prints on A Polyester Cotton Blended Fabric by Using Disperse Dye.
The artistic arrangement of motifs or motives in one or multiple colors produces a design with clearly defined borders. Textile printing refers to the application of dyes, pigments, and chemicals to fabric in a localized manner using any technology that can produce a specific color effect on the cloth based on the design.

P/C blended fabrics are converted into 100% polyester printed sarees, dress material, and dhoti by eliminating the cellulose component with a 70 % sulfuric acid (concentrated H2SO4) process followed by printing with an appropriate disperse dye. Carbonization is the process of eliminating cellulose components using sulfuric acid. Polyester content in the blend may not be less than 67 percent.
Removing cellulosic components from polyester cotton (p/c) blend with (70% H2SO4) sulfuric acid is called “CARBONIZING”.
Removing cellulose component from the entire polyester cotton blended fabric by using sulfuric acid.
Blend ratio used:
Style of Printing:
Direct style.
Methods of Printing:
Screen-printing method
Process Sequence:-
Prepare a print paste with Disperse dye

Printing by screen printing method

Fixation by Pressure steaming

The method at 125-130°C for 30 min at 25 to 30 psi or 1-2 bar pressure

Cold Washing

Reduction clearing by
Caustic- 2 GPL (2 gm in 1000 ml water) Hydros – 2 GPL (2 gm in 1000 ml water) At 60°C for 20-30 min

Washing and drying

Padding through
70 % H2SO4 +0.5% urea

Washing and neutralization

(If required) Bleaching using (NaOCl) hypochlorite or H2O2

Washing and drying
Preparation of thickner - [Thichener (6%)-sodium alginate].

 Prepare a 6 % sodium alginate (natural) thickener
 Sodium alginate Thickener (1000 gm)
Sodium alginate Powder —— 60 gm
Water ————————- 940 m
Total————————– 1000 gm
Screen printing method;-
1) The fabric is placed on the flat surface of the table, which is composed of soft material.
2) The screen is then placed on the cloth sample.
3) The printing paste is applied to the perforation on the screen.
4) With a smooth wooden strike, the paste is distributed over the screen with light pressure, allowing us to locate the printed cloth. So that the dye particles can pass through the perforation in the screen.
5) As a result, we have printed fabric.
screen Printing.
1) Print the polyester/cotton blended fabric with the below recipe
Sr.No   Ingredients                         Quantity
1  Disperse dye                               5 gm
2  Water                                            4-5 ml
3  citric acid  (Acid donor)             1-2 gm
4 Sodium chlorate.                         1 gm
5 Sodium alginate thickener (6%)  80-85 gm.
Total - 1000gm
2) Dry the sample at 80°C after printing.
3) Steam for 30 minutes at 125-130°C
4) After pressure steaming, thoroughly rinse the fabric with cold water.
5) Rinse it with warm water and perform a reduction clearing treatment at 60°C for 20 minutes with 2 GPL NaOH and 2 GPL Hydrose, followed by washing and drying.
At 20-30°C, the printed sample is padded with 70 % sulphuric acid containing 0.5% urea.
At industry level, we can do following methods:
 run jigger machine with sulfuric acid for 30 min.
Pad batch-
padding with sulfuric acid at RT
After padding, wash the fabric in cold water several times and neutralize it with sodium carbonate and peroxide. It should be washed and dried once more.
Proper concentration of H2SO4 throughout the process is needed because, if dilution of H2SO4 is happened then the cellulosic part remains on the surface of the fabric, and desired effect will not produce.
Resultant samples:
carbonized printing
By removing the cellulosic component, the very finer denier 100 percent polyester printed fabric, sarees, dress material, and dhoti are made from polyester cotton blended fabric. The removal of the cotton/cellulosic component from the complete polyester cotton blended fabric will result in a weight decrease.

Ref:- & printerest.


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